San Diego Surfrider News

2nd Annual Clean Water March!

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Mar 28, 2018 12:34:45 AM

Surfrider Foundation San Diego County Chapter's South Bay Clean Water / No Border Sewage Program and the Coronado Surfing Association would like to invite you to our second annual No More Border Sewage March through Imperial Beach!

Saturday, March 24th, 2018

Please meet us on the grassy knoll at Pier Plaza after the San Diego Coastkeeper beach clean up. 

We will march down the Pier and head north on Seacoast Ave to the jetties at Palm Ave where we will pause for some aerial photos.

Wear BLUE!!! Make SIGNS!! Decorate STROLLERS! 

Volunteer and marcher appreciation party will be held
afterwards at the IB Pizzeria Luigiā€™s.

Please SHARE and INVITE your friends!

(Photo Cred: Captain of the Cays)