San Diego Surfrider News

'6 foot and glassy would be nice' by Skye Walker !

Written by SFSDAdministrator | May 2, 2014 10:40:28 PM


We agree Skye, that would be sweet !

Thanks so much to local artist and returning art donor Skye Walker, for taking time out of super busy schedule ( art director upcoming San Diego Surf Film Festival !) and meeting with us...We caught up with Skye briefly to talk about surfing, film, health, and Orcas !

In Skye's words...

'I have been an artist ever since I could hold a crayon. Growing up I couldn't imagine doing anything else, and as I grew up it became very clear to me that I was going to be creating art, design and murals as my career. Sure, I didn't try anything else really, but I had no desire too. The creative bug was in me for good.'

While my subject matters switch between figurative work, to paintings, to ocean inspired art to graphic design, the story remains the same. Creating. It's my outlet, it's my passion and it's my job. 

Piece is limited edition giclee pen/ink  11' x 14'

Please click HERE do go to Skye's new website!