San Diego Surfrider News

Art Gala Resources

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Jan 16, 2020 5:25:55 PM

Operation: Art Gala 2020 is underway! This year's event will be held on Friday, June 19 at the Marina Village Conference Center on Mission Bay. From then until now, it's a march to the finish line! 

At this stage, the most important task that volunteers can assist with is securing both art and non-art donation submissions for the silent auction. Please see below for resources to help you make the ask!

  • Donations for our Silent Auction
    • here is a LINK to our template "ask" letters for both art and non-art donations. Feel free to download and edit as needed for your own personalized solicitations.
    • LINK to the art submission form for potential art donors. 
    • LINK to the non-art submission form for potential donors of an item, service or experience. 
  • Corporate Sponsorship
    • We seek corporate sponsors to underwrite our event. Sponsorship pitch deck coming soon, but HERE is last year's for reference - the levels will likely be similar. 
  • Tracking Sheets for Donations, etc. - COMING SOON! 

Please email Mitch and Sunshine with any questions. Thank you!