CALL TO ACTION: If you are unable to come to any of our events, then please consider donating to our CLEAN WATER NOW campaign. Click here to donate and learn more about it. Please spread the word.
By Gabriela Torres. Policy Coordinator/Attorney
Thus far, in 2018 we have seen 8 sewage spills, mostly due to “technical failures” at the Mexican pump station totaling 4,565,000 gallons of raw sewage. This amount encompasses only reported events and does not include rain events when water is purposefully diverted into the Tijuana River Valley but not measured or reported.
February in Review
In mid-February we went to Capitol Hill and spent 3 days visiting our Congressional representatives asking for support for many important issues, including the Border Water Infrastructure Program. We also took this opportunity to request that our Southern California delegation support the the inclusion of environmental concerns in the NAFTA renegotiations.
Upon our return we used the momentum created by our visits and issued a letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson discussing NAFTA concerns in more detail. A copy of the letter can be found here: Border Sewage NAFTA letter to Secretary of State.
Our main points are as follows:
March Objectives
This month we will focus on a letter writing campaign directed at IBWC Commissioner Edward Drusina, asking that he commit to hold Mexico to its obligations under the 1944 Water Treaty and the body of minutes that have come after. We will also ask that he notify the Department of State as to the importance and gravity of the water quality issues in the Tijuana River Valley.
We will begin an Action Alert targeting Congress and requesting that they support BWIP. BWIP is an EPA program that supports matched funding for sewage infrastructure repairs in Mexico. Without this program, vital repairs to collectors and damaged sewage infrastructure will not occur and system failures will have immediate impacts on the Tijuana River Valley and on Imperial Beach.
If you cannot make the march then join us for our monthly meeting on: Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 6:30 pm at the Imperial Beach library (810 Imperial Beach Blvd., Imperial Beach). Our guest speaker will be Ally Senturk of the Blue Water Task Force (BWTF).
The sewage and pollution problems in the Tijuana River Valley have existed for decades. Surfider is ready to collaborate with all interested stakeholders to reach creative solutions. As an organization, we do this to protect our beaches, our waves. But we also advocate for residents and visitors like Paloma Aguirre, a resident of Imperial Beach and the Coastal Marine Director at Wildcoast. Read her #mycleanh2ostory* below.
*#mycleanh2ostory is written by local activists who are fighting for clean water.
CALL TO ACTION: If you are unable to come to any of our events, then please consider donating to our CLEAN WATER NOW campaign. Click here to donate and learn more about it. Please spread the word.