San Diego Surfrider News

Botanic Gardens

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Jun 21, 2010 11:44:00 AM

The GAP program was a wonderful success and we are so excited to see gardens all over San Diego become OFGs!!!

Our next OFG program starts in August and one great way to get a head start on designing your new garden is to visit one of our local botanic gardens!
San Diego Botanic Garden (also known to many of us as Quail Botanic Garden) in Encinitas is a beautiful labyrinth of gardens tucked away in the hills between the 5 and El Camino Real. They have a two gorgeous native gardens along with plants from around the world, but their most awesome feature is the new Hamilton Children's Garden which features gorgeous plants, fun artistic garden features and a little Quail habitat with a covey of our shy little state bird that is much harder to find in the wild these days. (They rely on native plants for food!)

For those of you further to the south, The Cuyamaca Water Conservation Garden, is another fantastic resource for learning about plants, irrigation, mulches, and other water conservation techniques.
Curious to learn more about native plants?
Check out some of Southern California's native plant nurseries!
Las Pilitas Nursery, Tree of Life Nursery, Recon Native Plants, and Moosa Creek Nursery are all great resources for buying and learning more about our native plants and wildlife!