San Diego Surfrider News

California Coast Video Series

Written by Mitch Silverstein | Mar 3, 2020 2:46:18 AM

We are excited to share a new series of five 5-minute videos about coastal access in California! These videos were produced by Rigler Creative in conjunction with the California Coastal Commission, with funding from a Whale Tale grant. The videos work as standalone pieces or as a series, and feature Surfrider staff, volunteers and many of our partners in the mission to preserve and protect the California coast for ALL PEOPLE.

The five new videos are:
· 40 Years of the California Coastal Act
· Public Access for all on the California Coast
· Kids Belong at the Beach
· Sea Level Rise and the California Coast
· Activism and the California Coast
If you only have time to watch one, I recommend the first video re: the California Coastal Act. Every California resident who loves the beach and cares about its protection will benefit from understanding the Coastal Act and the huge positive impact it's had for our beaches... in other words, it's essentially "Coastal Advocacy 101!"