San Diego Surfrider News

Good things come from where you wouldn't expect

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Sep 12, 2013 2:30:42 AM

Although some consider us the crown of evolution, the human race has lately become more like the cancer of the planet. We pollute our waters and the air we breathe, we cut down the trees to make space for arable land, that is exploited using chemicals, and we use up our resources as if we had at least three more planets to use when this one becomes uninhabitable.

There are those who are conscious of this, and want to end this suicidal attitude - people who promote the use of renewable, clean technologies. Among the most prominent of them all is Elon Musk, promoter of several technologies that could end the mindless use of fossil fuels, and companies who are active exclusively online - search engines like Google, social networks like Facebook, and several of the biggest web hosting and technology companies active on the internet.

Facebook - along with 11 other large corporations involved in technology and other areas, has recently signed the "Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers' Principles", a document that will hopefully allow them to source a bigger part of their energy needs from renewable sources, thus easing the stress on the environment. This is a great step ahead, and a commendable initiative.

But good things also come from places you wouldn't expect. One of the largest online and real life gaming technology developers of the world, IGT, has dedicated itself to doing the right thing for our environment, spending a part of their revenue on sourcing their needs from renewable and green sources.

Other companies, such as Net Entertainment from Sweden and Microgaming from the Isle of Man (both involved in developing real money online gaming technologies) have their programs for sustaining their local communities - environment, health and many others.

The most commendable effort comes from Ecology Action - a program called Casino Green, through which tribal resorts on the Native American territories can get a renewable energy retrofit with reduced costs, thus growing their energy efficiency and reducing their environmental footprint. The list of measures ranges from replacing the lighting fixtures with more efficient ones to changing the shower heads to low flow ones to preserve as much clean water as possible.

As I said, good things might come from places you would never have expected. Even the online wagering industry - one that, in most people's views, is all about making profits at all costs - does its part in reducing the pressure on our natural resources, so that when you play your favourite casino games for free at Red flush casino, all you have to worry about is your luck, and not your environment.