San Diego Surfrider News

Joshua Ben Paskowitz honors Andy Irons with a new piece....

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Apr 13, 2013 6:15:48 AM

 Joshua Ben Paskowitz is an exciting new artist based in San Clemente who recently had his San Diego debut at an event at Bliss 101  in Encinitas , 'The Paskowitz Experience' ...Joshua is the youngest son of what has been called the 'first family of surfing' ...Dorian 'Doc' Paskowitz is the colorful patriarch of the family; physician, surfer, author (Surfing and Health), and co-founder of 'Surfing for Peace'  who has been working alongside Joshua as well as surfers like Kelly Slater and Makua Rothman to help bring peace to troubled lands through the magic of surfing together.  Donating surfboards in Gaza and putting on benefit concerts in Israel is only the beginning  for these people with vision !

“People who surf together, can live together.”   - Doc Paskowitz

'What I think I bring to my art is a unique personal relationship with the people  in the world of surfing due to the way I grew up and how so many people in the surfing community  have embraced Doc and our family' said Joshua.

Andy Irons was actually featured in the documentary 'Surfwise', a recent film about the Paskowitz family.

This striking original piece honors the life and legacy of Andy Irons..........The Piece is entitled  ' A. I. '

To learn more about Joshua and his art, please click here !

'A.I.'  by Joshua Paskowitz


Dorian 'Doc' Paskowitz surfing with style and aloha in his 80's