San Diego Surfrider News

May Meeting

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Jul 27, 2011 12:17:54 AM

May's meeting was great! Here is everyone who attended starting top row clockwise: Haley (Our new Chapter Coordinator), Lonnie, Jon, Dan, Hugo, Jayoung, Chris, Sarah, Marisa, Scott, Walker, and Kate (not pictured).

We are excited to have a date picked for RAP Day: June 29th. This will be a great opportunity for us to get out there and educate others about how they can reduce their plastic use! Stay tuned for more information on this event and how you can help.

Hope everyone can make it to the RAP sponsored Chapter meeting this Wednesday the 18th at 7pm at UTC. Chelsea will presenting her research on plastics and marine life.

Rise Above Plastics!