San Diego Surfrider News

MS4 permit hearing update

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Apr 12, 2013 6:24:43 PM
Thank you to all of you who attending the MS4 hearing on Wednesday!!!  Your presence made a huge difference! Seeing the great turn out, the activists holding signs, and the amazing public comments made all of us very appreciative to be associated with such an awesome grassroots organization!!!
So what happened?
Well, the hearing continued all day yesterday as well. Regional Board meetings usually only last one day, but since this issue is so huge they allowed two days to hear all of the testimony from the "interested parties". The hearing ran until 7pm last night, and there is still about 1.5 worth of rebuttals to be heard plus Board deliberation, so they had to continue the issue until next month (May 8th). 
Regional Board staff is going to release an errata sheet detailing the changes they are considering. Regarding the safe harbor, the Regional Board has not really chimed in yet. Staff is going to prepare two options in their errata sheet 1) remove the safe harbor completely (yay!!) 2) propose some revisions.
Thank you to everyone involved for being a part of this land mark hearing! Not only did we have a great presence at the hearing, more than 25 speakers, but more than 215 letters were sent to the Regional Board!
Check back here for further updates.