San Diego Surfrider News

Mulch and Compost Special!

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Sep 21, 2010 6:19:00 PM

Help clean our oceans in two ways … make your garden more Ocean Friendly by using local compost and mulch. Plus, for every Cubic Yard you buy from El Corazon Compost Facility, operated by Agri Service, they will donate $2 to support the Ocean Friendly Gardens Program!

Compost helps foster living soil which promotes water infiltration and reduces runoff at the same time it purifies water. Locally recycled, the compost is made of green landscape trimmings to reduce material sent to the landfill. Listed by OMRI, it is used by Organic growers and adds slow release nutrients to make your plants thrive!

Call 800-262-4167 and tell them you want to support Surfrider Ocean Friendly Gardens when ordering.

For more info on El Coazon visit