San Diego Surfrider News

Newly Formed Surfrider Foundation Baja Chapter Launches!

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Apr 6, 2016 11:41:16 PM

We are stoked to inform you that on Wednesday, February 24th, a new Surfrider Foundation Baja Chapter launched. The first general chapter meeting took place at B Coffee and Tea House in Playas de Tijuana, a certified "Restaurante Amigo del Mar". Attended by over 60 ocean lovers from across Northern Baja, the Chapter's first meeting was a huge success.


Led by Executive Committee Chair, Jose Sarinana, the initial Baja Chapter meeting served as an introduction to the Surfrider Foundation, a discussion of potential Programs & Campaigns, an open forum for questions and answers, and an opportunity for the surf community to unite to protect their ocean, waves and beaches.


On Wednesday, March 23rd, the Baja Chapter held it's 2nd meeting , at "Petanquero", another certified "Restaurante Amigo del Mar".  At this meeting, the Baja Chapter formed three Programs and related Committees;  1) Blue Water Task Force, 2) Rise Above Plastics, and 3) Beach Preservation.


Their Blue Water Task Force Program will join forces with No Border Sewage Committee's Partner, Proyecto Fronterizo, to help expand their current water quality testing program. The Rise Above Plastics Program will also team up with Proyecto Fronterizo, to help with outreach on the newly launched "Restaurante Amigo del Mar". And the Beach Preservation Program will address beach access issues that exist in Baja.


We want to congratulate the following Executive Committee Members for their new positions and thank them for their commitment to protecting our oceans, waves and beaches;

Chair – Jose Sarinana

Orlando Anaya – Rise Above Plastics

Alan Oropeza – Blue Water Task Force

Alberto Gerrero  – Beach Preservation

Carlos Gomez - Communications

Patricia G. Pichardo - Administration and Accounting

Mario Montalvan - San Diego Chapter Liaison


The Baja Chapter meets the 4th Wednesday of every month at 7pm. The location changes, so to stay updated visit their website and sign up for email updates. You can also follow them on Facebook by clicking here.