San Diego Surfrider News

Poseidon Lies: The Truth about Poseidon Resources' “Carbon Neutrality”, Part 3.

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Feb 1, 2010 8:38:00 AM

In an earlier post, we gave you the extensive background on how Poseidon Resources calculated their carbon neutrality which we think is a bunch of baloney.  And then we outlined our proof.

The Coastal Commission staff also believes there were errors in the GHG mitigation plan that was a condition of approving the permit. They have requested that Poseidon Resources amend their permit to correct the errors.  To date, Poseidon has refused to make the corrections – and the Commission cannot force them to do that.

Our Request: (with an action-alert link at the bottom)

If Poseidon Resources would agree to work with CCC staff to amend the permit to correct the erroneous GHG mitigation calculation, we would be willing to hold our Revocation Request in abeyance. We understand Commissioners’ reluctance to completely revoke already approved permits, and that revoking the entire permit may be somewhat heavy handed. But, Poseidon’s unwillingness to work with the staff to correct the error leaves the Commission, and the public, no other avenue to ensure the conditions of the permit are corrected and enforceable.

So we suggest the Commission first determine whether Poseidon is willing to voluntarily correct the error through an amendment to the permit. If not, we believe it will leave the Commission no other choice than to revoke the permit and reconsider it with all the relevant information in the record before re-issuing the permit.  Tell them you agree with us, and take action!