San Diego Surfrider News

Sign up for the Garden Assistance Party (GAP) on January 13th!

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Dec 13, 2012 6:48:52 PM

Join us for a Garden Assistance Party on Sunday, January 13th from 9:30am-3:30pm in Sunset Cliffs. This is the final component of our three-part Ocean Friendly Garden Series, which teaches homeowners how to reduce their water use, save money and stop polluted runoff from leaving their landscapes and polluting our oceans, waves and beaches.

If you missed the Basics Class and Hands On Workshop, you can still attend the Garden Assistance Party. We need approximately 25 volunteers to help us transform a regular landscape into an Ocean Friendly Garden! Contact if you're interested.

***Update: We now have enough volunteers for the hands-on component, but we encourage you to attend, watch and learn about this exciting program.***