San Diego Surfrider News

Sonar Testing in Southern California Rejected

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Mar 10, 2013 10:13:45 PM

The California Coastal Commission ruled unanimously to reject a Navy explosives and sonar training program off the coast of Southern California.

Commissioners said the Navy lacked enough information to back up its argument that the threat to marine ecosystems would be negligible. Many of the Commissioners were concerned the sonar would be especially dangerous to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and endangered mammals. Surfrider opposed the Navy sonar testing because we were also concerned the testing would impact newly established MPAs. With this decision, the Navy must go back to the drawing board to ensure impacts to marine life will be avoided and mitigated. Watch this video for news coverage on the issue.

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The majority of our chapter’s Ocean Protection efforts take place within our Climate Change committee. Meanwhile, any work involving expansion or maintenance of Marine Protected Areas (MPA), or any other form of protecting our near-coast and offshore ecosystems, would be a chapter-wide effort led by our staff Policy Manager. Check out our Climate Change page below, or start HERE to learn more about Surfrider's Ocean Protection Initiative.


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