San Diego Surfrider News

Spilltracker - Show Us What's Happening On Your Beach

Written by SFSDAdministrator | May 10, 2010 1:53:00 PM

In partnership with Surfrider Foundation and Ocean Conservancy, SkyTruth has launched an interactive website, the Gulf Oil Spill Tracker, that lets Gulf-area residents document what's happening to their coast. Anyone can search the site, using an interactive map, to find reports that others have submitted. Reports can include text descriptions, photos, and links to video and news articles. Anyone can submit their own report by clicking on the map to indicate the location, and uploading their own photos and info:

We intend to use this to document pre-spill and post-spill conditions, and to give cleanup volunteers a way to show the world the great work they're doing. The more people who participate, the better, so please send this link to your Gulf-area friends, members, and other organizations!