San Diego Surfrider News

Stage Sponsor: groSolar and Carbon Shredders

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Aug 4, 2009 1:04:00 AM

Surfrider is excited to have groSolar on board as the sponsor for the Sustainable Waves solar stage at the festival. groSolar is North America’s premier distributor, installer and integrator of solar energy solutions for residential and commercial installations. Founded in 1998, groSolar is the largest 100 percent U.S.-owned distribution company in the solar industry. The company has offices and warehouses across the continent, distributing solar electric and solar hot water systems from offices in VT, NJ, NY, CT, MA, MD, DE, PA, CO, MT, and CA. groSolar integrates components from leading solar manufacturers including Evergreen Solar, PanelClaw, Motech, Heliodyne, SMA, Fronius and UniRac into simple solar energy solutions for customers that generate clean, reliable energy for decades. groSolar is a mission-driven company dedicated to providing high quality solar energy solutions and whole energy appreciation. groSolar’s venture capital investors include NGP Energy Technology Partners, SJF Ventures, and Calvert Social Investment Fund. Learn more at

Carbon Shredders are a collaboration of concerned citizens and institutions focused on energy conservation and education. Through event and online outreach efforts Carbon Shredders are helping individuals and groups "go on a low carbon diet" and track their C02 footprint. Carbon Shredders partnered with ICFI to assist in development of the "Do Your Part" online tracker as a tool to track carbon and energy savings for individuals and groups. The long-term goal is to help enable a clean energy future for communities everywhere. Our short-term goal is reduce our combined energy usage and C02 footprint of everyone in our network by 10% by 2010. Learn more at