San Diego Surfrider News

Stand up for Solana Beach's Beaches

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Feb 26, 2013 10:26:22 PM

We hope to see you at the February 27 Local Coastal Plan (LCP) hearing in Solana Beach (for more details, see our previous blog post) In addition to attending the hearing, send an email to Solana Beach City Manager David Ott reinforcing why it is so important for Solana Beach to finally have a California Coastal Commission (CCC) certified LCP.

In your email, ask the City to approve options 3 or 6 in from the February 27 staff report. These options will adopt the LUP as approved by the CCC on March 7, 2012 and allow for amendments if needed to address any issues requiring changes in the future. Option 6 goes as far as considering some of the changes the Blufftop Property owners requested over the summer in the form of an amendment after the LUP is approved

If the city council adopts any of the other options (1, 2, 4, 5 or 7), this would result in further delays in the approval of the LUP or would lead to rejection of the LUP as approved by the CCC. The city of Solana Beach has been working on their LCP for more than 10 years, and we can’t afford to delay this process any further. Continued delays because of objections raised by beach-front property owners only serves their own interests while continuing to negatively impact the rest of Solana Beach property owners and the hundreds of thousands of beach visitors. Believe it or not there are seawalls near 8 years old where the city has not yet collected Land Use Fees because of delays in approving the LUP. Not a surprise that the blufftop property owners are OK with more delay or rejection. These fees will go towards improving beach access - and who doesn’t want easier access to the beach? Approval of the LCP will also remove some of the red tape that has been tying up any development in Solana Beach as well as reduce permitting costs - not just development along the beach-front, but for all of Solana Beach’s residents.

So please send an email and attend the meeting on Wednesday night - every voice counts!

For more information, read the letter submitted to the Solana Beach City council about this important issue.