The Surfrider Foundation is a grassroots non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our ocean, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network. San Diego Chapter is home to the largest and most active chapter in the world, with over 1000 members, 3 dedicated staff, 9 committees, 6000 volunteers, and 13 coastal victories.
Do you share our vision of 100% protection of our coastline? We are looking for dedicated members, supporters and/or community stakeholders to run as candidates in the 2018-2019 Executive Committee term.
The Executive Committee is the equivalent of an organization's Board of Directors. Since the Surfrider Foundation has a Board at the national level, we call chapter-level Boards "Executive Committees." The committee is comprised of 9 elected volunteers, and has the legal responsibility and authority to oversee all staff and volunteer activities in the San Diego Chapter. Together, its members establish the Chapter’s preservation and conservation priorities, its internal policies, and develop and implement the budget. Their important work enables our team to carry out the Surfrider Foundation mission. Each member is elected for a term of two years.
The Surfrider Foundation is committed to seeking a diverse pool of candidates and encourages members from any geographical region, background, race, gender or age to apply.
The San Diego County Chapter Executive Committee is a working board. All members are expected to devote sufficient time and energy to the tasks at hand. All members are expected to:
Applicants interested in serving should be: