San Diego Surfrider News

Stone Brewing 22nd Anniversary Craft Beer Festival + SF/SD

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Aug 21, 2018 12:44:54 AM


Each year, volunteers from Surfrider SD & other local non-profit orgs donate their time at SoCal's largest craft brew festival, the Stone Anniversary at CSU San Marcos. In return for our volunteer labor, Stone donates 100% of the event's profits to the non-profits who are fortunate enough to have this affiliation. To date, Stone Brewing has given over $3 million to local charities across 22 years of Stone Anniversaries!

Year after year - and largely due to this one event -  Stone Brewing has been your San Diego chapter's biggest & most reliable donor. I do not exaggerate when I say that without Stone, we may have never had the resources to become the largest, most active, and dare I say most effective Surfrider chapter in the world!

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Which brings me to my next subject. Our volunteers.

On top of everything YOU ALREADY DO to protect San Diego's 72 miles of coastline, to pour beers for 9 HOURS on a hot summer day (while not even taking one sip!) is a HUGE ASK. And year after year, YOU make that sacrifice and DELIVER for YOUR SAN DIEGO CHAPTER.

As a previous volunteer who is privileged to serve as your Chapter Coordinator, there are no words to express my love & appreciation for every single one of you who SHOWED UP for Surfrider this weekend. To see Committee Leaders, Executive Committee members, and Core Volunteers - the same people who give SO MUCH to our cause & ask for nothing in return - working this event to ensure our chapter is funded...

Simply put, you guys have saltwater running through your veins & SF/SD would be NOTHING without your passion, your commitment, and your willingness to do whatever it takes to protect our ocean, waves & beaches!!!!


And to everyone who couldn't sign up or make it, let's hope we have this opportunity again next year. In the meantime, keep drinking them Stone brews!

With gratitude!

- Mitch