San Diego Surfrider News

Textbook of Surfing by Tim Bessell

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Apr 18, 2014 1:38:52 PM

Tim Bessell's claim to fame is his surfboard shaping business, which is one of the largest shaping businesses in southern California and has shaped over 46,000 surfboards. Tim is a La Jolla native who shaped his first board at the age of thirteen, and since then has shaped boards for numerous world class surfers, such as Ryder Mackey, Billy Choe, and Richard Kenvin. His work has been featured in countless surfing magazines, such as Surfer Magazine and Beach Culture. 

Tim also is the head of Bessell Living Systems, which is a non-profit organization and develops technologies in wind, solar, and air to water systems to provide affordable dwelling to the masses. 

In addition to his internationally successful business and non-profit organization, Tim is an accomplished contemporary artists. He has created a number of sculptures as well as mixed media pieces. To see more of his work, visit his site: