San Diego Surfrider News

Truth from the Sky: Timor Oil Spill Now Covers 5800 square miles

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Sep 9, 2009 9:13:00 AM

SkyTruth is doing an amazing job of helping us all understand the impact of the gigantic oil drill in the Timor Sea north of Australia. Check out their blog.

This is their most recent post:

SkyTruth just downloaded and processed a MODIS satellite image from NASA that was taken on September 3, 2009. It shows the area in the Timor Sea affected by oil slicks and sheen from the Montara / West Atlas blowout and oil spill that began on August 21 is now over 5,800 square miles in size. That's more than double what it was just four days earlier, on August 30. And it's as big as Connecticut and Rhode Island put together:

Visit their blog for updates on this spill and the potential impacts of a spill like this in Florida.

Is your state next?