San Diego Surfrider News

UCSD Food Co-op

Written by SFSDAdministrator | May 20, 2019 4:09:01 AM

9500 Gilman Drive, 0323-F Original Student Center, La Jolla, CA 92037

Comments from the Restaurant:

“The Food Co-Op would like to be an Ocean Friendly Restaurant (OFR) because we know that protecting our Earth is one of the most important goals facing our world today. We have always strived to be environmentally conscious, and have written into our practices multiple policies to maintain and improve those practices, and are excited to partner with Surfrider, with whom we share so many values. As an OFR, we hope to bring more people into the space, inspiring them with our food and our volunteers to help them see how they can each have an impact through their day to day choices. We believe every person has the power to make change, and becoming an OFR is another great step forward for the Food Co-Op.”