Here on the No Border Sewage committee, we are lucky to have a whole slew of dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers. They go above and beyond for us and we could not carry out our mission without them. On many occasions, we've been fortunate to have younger volunteers come out - we've seen teams of high school students clean up for hours on end and really show not only awareness, but true passion for the cause.
Over the last year however, we've had one superstar youth volunteer who really lets her dedication shine through!
Meet Savanah - she is only 11 years old and she is already rocking our world. Savanah joins us, along with her mother Sasha, at all of our monthly committee meetings, cleanup events, tours and more! This month, she wanted to share her perspective on the situation in the Tijuana River Valley following our recent cleanup on February 20th. Read below to hear her thoughts. Thanks Savanah and Sasha for being so dedicated!
By: Savanah, age 11
When you walk into the Tijuana River Valley you can see trash everywhere. Plastic bottles, plastic bags, foam, clothes, stuffed animals, refrigerators, needles, toys, tires and more. When it rains the trash is carried into the river valley and much of it out to the ocean.
When this flooding happens, this trash goes out to the ocean and sea creatures end up dying from it and people get sick. This is a huge problem. And sadly, this problem is unknown to most people.
With our first cleanup of the year for No BS, we had about 150 volunteers and in four hours cleaned up 5.36 tons of trash, not including an additional 65 tires. Check out photos of the day here!
We had volunteers of all ages from kids to adults. If you'd like to join us there are many things you can help with like cleaning trash, taking pictures, videotaping, providing water and supplies, setting up, taking down. There are many jobs to be filled. We would love for you to join us to raise awareness to spread the word on this problem and what is going on in the USA and Mexico. The Tijuana River Valley runs through Mexico and the USA. We encourage you to help save our oceans, waves and beaches and all creatures who inhabit it.