San Diego Surfrider News

Solana Beach, First City in San Diego County to Ban EPS Foam

Written by SFSDAdministrator | Oct 29, 2015 2:14:01 AM

On October 28, 2015, Solana Beach became the first city in San Diego County to adopt an EPS foam takeout ban in an effort to protect our ocean, waves, and beaches from plastic pollution.

Surfrider Foundation San Diego activists worked with city staff and actively campaigned both the city council and Solana Beach residents to garner support for Solana Beach Ordinance 466. In addition to EPS foam takeout, the ordinance also prohibits styrofoam packing materials, i.e. "peanuts." 

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Plastic Pollution

Our chapter has multiple committees dedicated to the Surfrider Plastic Pollution Initiative. These include a countywide Beach Cleanup program, the Rise Above Plastics (RAP) committee, the Ocean Friendly Restaurants program, and a campaign to end cigarette butt litter - Ban the Butt.

End Plastic Pollution