12 • 28 • 2022
Campaign Victory Update: The final FY2023 budget deal passed by Congress just before the close of 2022 includes $36.386 million for BWIP, an increase of $4.386 million from the previous year.
The beaches in South San Diego County are closed for the majority of the year due to transboundary pollution. To address this issue, we are advocating for full funding of the US/Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Grant Program (BWIP) at $100 Million in FY2023. BWIP has been historically underfunded but due to Surfrider and our coalition partners advocacy, we have seen an upwards tick in BWIP funding in the last few years. Riding the wave of this momentum, we are optimistic that we will see an increase from $32 Million in FY2022, if not our ambitious goal of $100 Million.
In addition to the momentum, we have an evidence-based infrastructure comprehensive solution chosen by EPA through USMCA process, known as Alternative I-2. There is however an estimated funding shortfall of over $300 Million that Surfrider is working hard to secure through various federal, state and local sources. The BWIP is one federal source of fundng that could be used to meet this shortfall. Alternative I-2 will reduce transboundary flow by 95% during the summer months and 76% during wet weather. This has been a necessary environmental justice project for communities dealing with pollution since the 1930s. Beaches were closed and inaccessible for 246 days in 2021. Imagine not being able to access your local beach?
Visit the Clean Border Water Now webpage to learn more information about the transboundary pollution crisis.