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Pass a comprehensive single-use plastic reduction ordinance in La Mesa

Pass a comprehensive single-use plastic reduction ordinance in La Mesa

Surfrider San Diego is working with the City of La Mesa and its residents to pass a comprehensive plastics reduction ordinance to ban expanded polystyrene foam and limit other disposable plastics

The San Diego County Chapter has been involved in the passage of over 10 local city plastic ordinances within San Diego County, mostly in coastal cities but also in the North County inland cities of San Marcos and Vista. La Mesa marks the chapter’s first effort to advocate against plastic pollution in East County San Diego. La Mesa is situated within a coastal watershed just like most of the county’s inland communities, meaning that debris and pollution from single-use plastics and other sources ultimately make their way to our beaches and ocean. Chapter activists and champions on the City Council are focusing on banning problematic single-use plastic foodware and polystyrene foam (Styrofoam), expanding the state bag law to include retail and restaurants, and banning the release of helium balloons. Coastal cities like San Diego have taken action; it’s time for East County cities to follow suit.