The Tijuana River Watershed is a strikingly beautiful and deeply meaningful place for communities on both sides of the Mexico/U.S. border. It provides critical habitat to countless species and is the largest remaining coastal wetland in Southern California. Yet, each year, billions of gallons of untreated sewage, toxic chemicals, and trash flow across the border through the river and enter the Pacific Ocean, causing beach closures throughout South San Diego County and widespread illnesses on both sides. In 2023, that number reached a startling 40 billion gallons in polluted transboundary flows, up nearly 30 billion gallons from 2022. The Clean Border Water Now program at Surfrider is a volunteer-led, staff-supported initiative that addresses this grave public health and environmental justice crisis plaguing our border-region communities and ecosystems.
What a year it has been in the struggle for clean border water! In 2023, we witnessed not only historic highs and alarming lows, but also a growing social movement demanding action to address the transboundary pollution crisis.
Just last month, during the height of the holiday season for many, the Tijuana River carried another 1.6 billion gallons of contaminated wastewater across the border. The effects of El Niño are only expected to make this problem worse as impacted communities brace for another heavy storm season and the billions of gallons of toxic pollution it is expected to bring to the region.
Meanwhile, progress towards getting the solutions in the ground to fix busted and inadequate wastewater infrastructure is frustratingly slow and much needed funding is hindered by bureaucratic and political obstacles.
Despite these frustrations, the many setbacks in 2023, the growing public health and safety violations, and the lack of government leadership and cooperation to get the job done, Surfrider volunteers, local groups, and community members showed up stronger than ever, took a stand, and made it known that this crisis is unacceptable and urgently needs to be resolved.
We at Clean Border Water Now are ready for a new year of collaborating with our partners, allies, and the communities we work alongside to keep the pressure on and demand new and creative solutions to this crisis. The worse the problem gets, the louder we become!
Read on to learn more about 2023 highs and lows and what keeps us fired up going into 2024.
2023 Revelations:
2023 Community Actions:
We will continue to advocate for federal dollars in the FY2025 funding cycle and beyond until there is sufficient funding to implement the CIS and to regularly maintain all operations necessary to protect clean water on both sides of the U.S./Mexico border.
Photos from Surfrider, CBWN Volunteers at 2023 Coastal Recreation Hill Day, Washington DC
Shortly after, Surfrider launched a national petition calling on Governor Newsom and President Biden to declare an emergency. Within a few months, over 3,200 people had signed it. Yet, despite the governor declaring an emergency for Tropical Storm Hilary in August, neither he nor President Biden have made that designation for the decades-old transboundary pollution and growing public health crisis in South San Diego County.
In October, the California Coastal Commission held their monthly meeting in Imperial Beach, generating much needed media and political attention on the impacts of transboundary pollution in the local community. The Commission toured the border and heard hours of testimony from record numbers of impassioned community members on how the pollution affects them personally. As a result, the Commission committed not only to send letters to the governor and president demanding action, but also to make this issue a top priority moving forward by adding it as a standing agenda item for future meetings and championing it at every opportunity.
Photo from Climate Action Campaign, 7/15/23 Latino Conservation Week Kick-Off, Imperial Beach
The net outcome of these collective efforts has been very positive and we look forward to continuing to keep this crisis top-of-mind for all the various agencies that have overlapping jurisdiction and responsibility towards protecting our environment and public health along the border.
Photos from Surfrider, 9/1/23 Rally to Stop the Sewage, Coronado
Photo from Veriditas Rising, 10/1/23 Paddle for Clean Water, Ocean Beach, San Diego
None of these achievements would have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our volunteer leads, community participants, and partners that have shown up again and again. Every event, meeting, beach cleanup, spoken and written comment, and action have added up to bring us to where we are today. This is truly a collective effort. It started with a few passionate and concerned community members and it continues to be sustained by all of you. WE THANK YOU.
Photos from Surfrider, 10/7/23 Youth Art Build, Tijuana River Action Month, Tijuana Estuary, Imperial Beach
Looking Ahead for Clean Border Water Now
2024 offers an abundance of opportunities to pursue new legislative and funding avenues and to grow meaningful partnerships that elevate equitable actions. We made big strides in expanding foundational grasstops and grassroots support for transboundary pollution solutions in 2023. We must now continue to build upon this momentum and nurture the burgeoning social movement until it reaches the critical mass needed to generate sufficient political will and action.
At the “grasstops” level, we will continue to work on solutions for the enormous funding gap that exists to cover the building, operations, and maintenance of the CIS. At the “grassroots” level, we will continue to build relationships and partnerships with frontline communities and ensure that impacted residents are seen, heard, and included in decision-making processes. We also aim to elevate this issue to national consciousness as one of the largest existing public health and environmental justice emergencies in the country.
We certainly have our work cut out for us. Given that this is an El Niño year, we expect storm activity with increasing frequency and severity, which translates to higher volumes of toxic water flowing through the Tijuana River Watershed system and impacting surrounding communities. With the added challenge of this being an election year, we also expect less political movement on this issue as officials, dollars, and narratives will be focused on November’s election. And as impacts from climate change and population growth in our border region continue to increase, the need for funding and sustained federal and local support will become ever more critical.
Despite these circumstances, we are ready to face these challenges head-on in the struggle for clean border water with renewed gusto and urgency. We take our inspiration from all who continue to push forward even as the toxification of homes and health risks to communities increase at alarming rates. We’ve developed an ambitious set of goals for 2024 and we are confident that these goals can be met this year with the strong leadership of our local, state, and federal officials and agencies and with the voices of impacted and concerned community members throughout San Diego County and beyond, including all of you.
Photos from Surfrider, 10/11/23 Community Candlelight Gathering, Imperial Beach
Please join us in this effort. Learn more about Surfrider’s Clean Border Water Now program here and sign up to receive updates! We are grateful for any way that you are able to join, support, and share our work on this crisis.