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Become an Ocean Friendly Restaurant

Join our network of Ocean Friendly Restaurants and let your community know you care, today and tomorrow.

Do you own, manage, or can you recommend a restaurant that you would like to signup as an Ocean Friendly Restaurant?

The OFR Criteria

The following information lists the manditory requirements to qualify as an Ocean Friendly Restaurant.

All seven of the following criteria are required:

  1. Only reusable foodware is used for onsite dining.
    Foodware includes dinnerware, drinkware, silverware, and all ramekins/containers.
  2. Paper straws are provided only upon request.
    Exceptions may be made for naturally occurring materials (e.g. hay, bamboo) and reusables (e.g. metal, glass), not including bio-based plastic. A small cache of plastic straws should be kept and always be provided to anyone who requires a plastic straw due to a disability.
  3. No expanded polystyrene use (aka Styrofoam).
  4. No plastic bags are used for takeout or to-go orders.
  5. Single-use utensils, straws, condiments, and other accessory items are provided only upon request.
  6. Beverages are not sold in plastic bottles.
  7. Proper recycling practices are followed.

A minimum of three of the following critera must be chosen:

  • A discount is offered for customers with a reusable item (e.g. cup, container, bag).
  • Vegetarian and vegan food options are offered on a regular basis.
  • All seafood is ‘Best Choice’ or ‘Good Alternative’ as defined by Seafood Watch, or no seafood is served.
    Locally sourced, sustainable seafood is preferred and should be prioritized when Seafood Watch recommendations do not apply. 
  • Water conservation and pollution mitigation efforts are implemented.
    Examples include installing low-flow faucets and toilets, offering drinking water upon request only, no hosing down outside to reduce urban runoff, proper disposal of FOG, and up-to-date septic or sewage to prevent wastewater pollution.
  • Energy efficiency efforts are in place.
    Examples include switching to LED lighting, installing solar panels, using Energy Star certified appliances and/or other efforts to use less energy.
  • Concessions and pre-packaged food items are not sold in plastic packaging.
  • Composting efforts are in place for food waste.
  • Neither single-use plastic nor bio-based plastic containers are used for takeout or to-go orders, reusable containers are preferred.


Check out our Quick Guide for more tips to meet each of the criteria. 

Review our Ocean Friendly Foodware Guide 2.0 to learn about greenwashing, product alternatives, and creative ways to implement more reusables.

Restaurant Benefits

  1. Ocean Friendly Restaurants marketing collateral, including window stickers, brochures, and bill inserts to promote your membership to customers
  2. Use of Ocean Friendly Restaurants logos for restaurant menus, website, and other restaurant marketing materials
  3. Restaurant listed on Surfrider national and chapter websites.
  4. Restaurant included in Ocean Friendly Restaurants national map on Surfrider national and chapter websites
  5. Launch parties and collaborative promotions with your nearest Surfrider chapter
  6. Access to national vendor discounts on sustainable restaurant and to-go products
  7. Tax-deductible donation opportunity
  8. Association with a nationally recognized nonprofit with thousands of members and supporters working hard to keep our ocean healthy and protected!

Hear from a Local OFR

Challenges and successes in becoming an OFR restaurant through a candid interview with AnaLeesia Tripp, General Manager of Mitch's Seafood.