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Protect Florida's Waters From Cancer Causing Chemicals

Protect Florida's Waters From Cancer Causing Chemicals

All Floridians have the right to clean drinking water, safe seafood, and unpolluted recreational waters. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has used questionable science to justify increasing, rather than limiting, our exposure to over twenty-five different toxins. This will mean a 45% increase in the allowable levels of Benzene, 80% increase in Heptachlor and 54% increase in Vinyl Chloride- to name just a few examples. The recent decision by the Florida Environmental Regulations Commission jeopardizes the health of Florida’s most vulnerable citizens, raising allowable cancer rates for some pollutants from 1 in a million to 1 in 10,000. Surfrider Foundation members are lifelong surfers, swimmers, anglers, and water lovers- populations often disproportionately impacted by impaired water quality given the extended amount of time they spend in the water on a regular basis. Tell the EPA to reject Florida's new water quality standards!

Adding insult to injury, FERC made this decision without proper representation from local governments or the environmental community, as Governor Scott has failed to fill vacancies in a timely manner.

With all the recent media coverage of how devastating water pollution is on Florida’s environment, public health, and tourism-based economy, now is not the time to take steps backward to allow even more pollution.

Make your voice heard and ask the EPA to reject Florida’s new water quality standards and demand safe water for all Floridians.