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surfridersd fundraiser

Night for the Sea

Have fun, and feel good doing it.

Join us at the Seaside room in Marina Village on Sunday, July 28th for our Fundraiser and Silent Auction Event.

Our Mission

Where the land meets the sea

The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network.


Rise Above Plastics

North County Nurdle Spill

Pre-production plastic pellets (aka nurdles) are spilling out of freight trains along the LOSSAN rail corridor in North County (and likely beyond). Learn more about the harms caused by nurdle pollution and help us hold polluters accountable, both locally and nationally. 



San Diego County Shows Up for the Coast

Surfrider Foundation San Diego County and San Diego Coastkeeper partner each year to host volunteer-powered beach and park cleanups across San Diego County to address the issue of trash along our coast and in our inland waterways. The data showcases the need for plastic reduction, now more than ever.

Clean Water

Clean Border Water Now

Demand Federal Action to Heal Our Coast and Communities

Every day, millions of gallons of untreated sewage, toxic chemicals, and trash flow through the Tijuana River Watershed at the U.S./Mexico border. Join Surfrider in calling on the President and Congress to act now to address this national emergency.

Our Network

volunteer holding fist full of multi colored discarded single use drinking straws

Join Our Network

We're always looking for volunteers to help affect change locally. Join us.

The Surfrider Foundation is committed to fostering a just, equitable, diverse and inclusive organization for all people who protect and enjoy the world’s ocean, waves and beaches.

We Love Our Partners


Surfrider Foundation San Diego County
3900 Cleveland Ave Ste. B, San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 837-8221

Support Surfrider

Your support will help us get one step closer to our vision of protecting 100% of our coasts.