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A shark, a seal and a pelican walk into a bar.........

You ever have one of those days? You’re at your desk, when…BAM!,…a shark , a seal and a pelican all burst into your office. They’re quite agitated and jabbering in shark, seal and pelicanesse. After a few awkward moments, and with a few helpful graphics, they explain their concerns. They had four basic points. I thought you’d be interested, so I’m sharing them with you…

1. Offshore Oil Drilling Comes to San Francisco -Thursday, April 16th

Next Thursday (April 16th), Interior Secretary Ken Salazar will conduct an all-day hearing in San Francisco. He wants to hear public opinion on what President Obama should do about offshore drilling and energy development off California’s coast and the entire nation’s coastline. All the details you need are at (Hint – The URL is Not The Answer).

2. Ocean Critter and Public Comments Needed

If you want an opportunity to speak at the hearing you must contact the Interior department in advance at:

3. Rally at Noon

Apparently a few hundred ( maybe athousand?) of these guys and their human friends will hold a rally at noon on the 16th to urge: No Drilling - Safe, Clean Energy Now! You’re obviously invited. It’s at the Mission Bay Conference Center, 1675 Owens St., (just south of the AT&T; baseball stadium). Maps, transit and info are all at

4. Banner and Sign Party – Wednesday Evening the 15th –

Seems that these guys (well, the pelican is female), and many of their costumed friends are hosting a Sign and Banner making party the night before from 6-9pm at The Sports Basement, 1590 Bryant St (easy parking). They expect press.

Bring your sign making materials (and critter costumes). For info contact Sarah Kagan at or Lara Kasa at

To volunteer on the day of the rally, contact and send your cell phone number to: Jackie Dragon at or Chad Nelsen at

By the way….the critters said to say Thanks, in advance…for your support.