Burger Bench
237 E Grand Avenue
Escondido, CA, 92025
(760) 294-2001
We'd like to welcome Burger Bench as one of our Ocean Friendly Restaurants! Burger Bench has taken in the next step in becoming more eco-friendly and aware of the effects we have on our planet. In order to reduce their footprint, Burger Bench has committed to properly recycling and has banned Styrofoam to-go boxes as well as plastic bags for to-go orders.
If you are ever in the Escondido area and want to support an ocean friendly restaurant, head on over to Burger Bench for a more sustainable option while enjoying a delicious hamburger with a side of fries!
Comments from the restaurant:
"As one of the owners of Burger Bench, I am an avid outdoors person. I encourage stewardship of our outdoor places. I would like to impact our planet the least amount as possible, while still providing good food and service. I stopped using straws years ago and imagined what it would be like if everyone did. The continuous news about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch saddens me. Being ocean-friendly with signage reminds our customers that their everyday choices make a difference on our planet."