Florida Members want the public to have the chance to vote on near-shore oil drilling and to ban the possibility of this destructive practice. Oil drilling in Florida marine waters, which extend approximately three miles into the Atlantic Ocean and 10 miles into the Gulf of Mexico, is simply too great a risk to take.
Floridians asked the Legislature, at the Special Session held in July 2010, to place the issue before the voters. Unfortunately, the Legislature did not agree to allow Floridians to vote to amend the State Constitution in the November 2010 general election.
In light of the inaction of the Legislature, and to forestall any future attempt to allow near-shore oil drilling, a number of Florida organizations have created Save our Seas, Beaches and Shores, Inc. (SOSBS) to coordinate a citizens’ petition drive to place the ban on the November 2012 ballot. This will not be easy. It will need approximately 700,000 verified petitions from voting Florida residents. The Department of State, Division of Elections has grnted approval for the Constitutional Amendment Petition Form.
If you are a voting Florida Resident or know one please download, sign and mail in today!
Petition Form
One Page information sheet