Monitoring sand dredge and placement projects to protect surfing resources.
For years, too much sand on North Beach in Carlsbad has deminished the surf at Tamarack. In 2016, Surfrider engaged as a stakeholder to help steer the dredge and sand placement process when the Agua Hedionda Lagoon is dredged. In the most recent permit, just approved by the Coastal Commission, the City of Carlsbad and Cabrillio Power LLC agreed to place the dredged sand at middle and south beach, which are sand starved, instead of the already wide north beach and deminishing surfing resources at Tamarack. This is only a one year permit, due to the change in ownership at the powerplant, but we plan to stay engaged and hope to see surfing improve at Tamarack.
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Our chapter maintains two volunteer-led committees dedicated to issues related to the preservation of our coast. You can learn more about them by clicking below, or start HERE to get some background on Surfrider's Coastal Preservation Initiative
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