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Let's Talk Tiny: A Deep Dive Into Microplastics

The Rise Above Plastics team, in collaboration with the North County Climate Change Alliance, recently hosted a webinar during which we had the privilege of discussing microplastics with Matt Simon, a science writer for Wired magazine and the author of A Poison Like No Other: How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies.



During the webinar, Matt shared some of the ways that microplastics have infiltrated our planet, causing harm to wildlife, the ocean, our beaches, and ecosystems everywhere. Matt also delved into the sources of microplastics, their pathways through the environment and the potential consequences of their presence in the ocean and in our bodies. 

Our own Mitch Silverstein moderated the Q & A, addressing questions posed by the audience. When asked about solutions, Matt emphasized the need for an international treaty on plastics. (A link to sign in support of the Global Plastics Treaty is below.)

While treaty negotiations grind on, we continue to advocate for single-use plastic reduction ordinances across San Diego County. In fact, we are hoping that a discussion about potential policies will take place in La Mesa on February 13th. We will need your support to ensure the Council directs staff to draft a comprehensive ordinance and will send a detailed call to action as soon as the City Council meeting agenda is published. 

View the recording of the Let’s Talk Tiny: A Deep Dive Into Microplastics with Matt Simon

Sign up for Surfrider San Diego’s mailing list to receive the action alert for La Mesa 

Demand a Strong Global Plastics Treaty