Isn't it amazing to think that by simply changing the design of your garden you can stop thousands of gallons of runoff pollution from reaching our oceans!?

If you're thinking of putting in a new Ocean Friendly Garden now is the perfect time to plan out your new garden so that you can get things in the ground before the hot summer sun arrives!
One of the most important and overlooked steps in the planning of an OFG is, well....planning! Once the lawn is ripped out what then? For many people the next step is a trip to the nursery and a carload of plants that look pretty in the pots but aren't necessarily compatible in the landscape or good for year-round interest in the landscape....and what about mulching, irrigation, and grading? The results of these crash-landscapes can often result in years of damage control.
So how do you plan out your new landscape anyway? There are literally thousands of plants to choose from, countless garden styles, and a plethora of stone, pottery, mulches and other materials....where to start!?

Luckily the new upcoming series of OFG Workshops will cover not only how to design your new garden but will also include subjects such as lawn removal, irrigation recommendations, intallation, and care and maintenance of your new garden. The seasonal series will offer not only informational classes but will also feature on-site assessment and installation workshops!
Stay tuned for dates and more information and in the meantime check out the new
Ocean Friendly Gardens Book for lots of great information on creating OFGs and how they work to reduce runoff pollution and save resources!