Restaurants Renew with OFR 2.0 and Other Good News
Blind Lady Ale House
3416 Adams Ave
San Diego, CA 92116
(619) 255-2491
“Blind Lady strives to do the right thing for our guests, community, and our environment. After all, we live here too! That’s why we are happy to be an Ocean Friendly Restaurant and be on the same team as Surfrider.”
Panama 66
1450 El Prado
San Diego, CA 92101
"Panama 66 is a restaurant that occupies the open-air setting of the San Diego Museum of Art’s Marcy S. May Sculpture Garden in Balboa Park. The focus is on locally sourced, hand-crafted food and drink, from salads and sandwiches to seasonal cocktails and more."
Blind Lady Ale House and Panama 66 were among the first group of San Diego restaurants to become an OFR, and last month they were among the first to renew with OFR 2.0. That's 6+ years of plastic pollution saved. We're so grateful to the owners, the staff, and the patrons for making it happen. Here's to 6 +++ more years!
Ocean Friendly (adjacent) Restaurant in Baja
Colectivo Surf Tasting Room, located in northern Baja's Los Gaviotas community, has reduced their plastic waste in house while also taking up innovative sustainability efforts. While we can't certify them as a San Diego OFR, we can give them a well deserved shout out.
Colectivo Surf
Kilometro 41 carretera libre 22710 Rosarito, B.C. www.colectivosurf.com
Messege from the owner:
"We have done projects with various non-profits at times donating recycling items for houses, walls, etc… Our goal is to work with a non-profit in Ensenada using the Precious Plastic model to make a plastic shredder, injection molding machine and an extruder machine so we can make products from our plastic and the plastic collected at beach clean ups."
Eliminate take-out waste with "Ocean Friendly ToGo"
Take-out waste continues to grow, and we can't expect it to slow down just because restaurants open their doors for dine-in again. In fact, many of us have witnessed restaurants opting to continue the use of single-use containers even for dine-in guests (not OFRs of course). It's a critical moment for us to get ahead of this harmful (new) habit by encouraging our friends and favorite restaurants to use the Ocean Friendly ToGo option. One person can save 20 pieces of trash per order by choosing to bring their own container. See real life photos sent in from volunteers below.
Ocean Friendly ToGo can be offered at any restaurant, not just OFRs. Share the opportunity with your favorite restaurants by using this email template.

It takes a village to raise awareness
We need all community stakeholders coming together to make the changes we hope to see for the oceans and environment. Edible San Diego has been one of those stakeholders. Over the years they have supported the work of OFR and other San Diego Surfrider programs and we wanted to take a moment to give them a shout out to say THANK YOU!