The United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) has scheduled a public meeting of the USIBWC Citizens Forum on Thursday, April 14, 6 - 8 p.m. at the Tijuana Estuary Meeting Room, 301 Caspian Way in Imperial Beach. The meeting will focus on water quality and water reuse. The purpose of the Citizens Forum is to promote the exchange of information between the USIBWC and the community about Commission projects and related activities. Information about the Imperial Beach Bacterial Source Identification Study will be presented by Damon Owen, Field Operations Manager/Assistant Project Manager for Weston Solutions. The purpose of the study, funded by the State Water Quality Control Board under the Clean Beaches Initiative, is to plan, design, and implement a Source Identification Survey to identify sources of bacterial contamination in the U.S. portion of the Tijuana River Watershed and recommend appropriate actions and activities to reduce the input of those sources to the Tijuana River and adjacent Pacific Ocean. There are limited data regarding bacterial loads from sources and activities on the U.S. side of the watershed. Information regarding the impact of certain land uses and point and non-point sources has not been collected. As such, there is potential for water quality improvements in the U.S. portion of the watershed. This study aims to quantify bacterial loads from potential sources and propose solutions to reduce the impact of bacterial loads in the Tijuana River Watershed and Pacific Ocean. The implementation of successful best management practices will result in a reduction in beach postings and closures. With an update on activities south of the border, David Roberto Navarro Herrera, Secretary of Urban Development and Ecology for the Municipality of Tijuana, will discuss installation of sediment basins that will capture sediment and trash. Also on the agenda, Michael R. Markus, P.E., General Manager of the Orange County Water District, will discuss the Groundwater Replenishment System, a 70-million gallon per day advanced water purification project that is the largest planned indirect potable reuse project in the world. The Groundwater Replenishment System takes secondary treated sewer water and runs it through an advanced treatment process consisting of microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light with hydrogen peroxide, producing water that is of nearly distilled water quality. This water is then recharged into Orange County’s groundwater basin, ultimately becoming a part of the potable water supply and providing enough water for nearly 600,000 people. Members of the public who would like more information about the meeting may call 619-662-7600 or e-mail April 14