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San Diego Divestment from Fossil Fuel Investments

Surfrider is asking the City of San Diego to adopt a Socially Responsible Investment Policy and divest City funds from fossil fuels and other industries which are not in keeping with our shared goal of safe and healthy San Diego.

A growing number of cities across the country and around the world have decided that the investment of public funds should reflect the basic values of their community. In constructing an investment portfolio that speaks to environmental and social priorities, these municipalities have begun divesting from corporations and industries while codifying their preferred financial strategy. A couple of points to consider:

Lessening available capital to the energy industry reduces the potential for carbon companies to expand operations including proposed offshore oil drilling which threatens our community health, environment and tourism. 

The City of San Diego’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) identifies 55% of our cities GHGs derive from the burning fossil fuels by vehicles. Strategy 2 of the CAP presents actions and targets to reduce fossil fuel caused emissions. The city should not invest in industry that counters the CAP goals.

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The majority of our chapter’s Ocean Protection efforts take place within our Climate Change committee. Meanwhile, any work involving expansion or maintenance of Marine Protected Areas (MPA), or any other form of protecting our near-coast and offshore ecosystems, would be a chapter-wide effort led by our staff Policy Manager. Check out our Climate Change page below, or start HERE to learn more about Surfrider's Ocean Protection Initiative.


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