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SD Chapter Signs Letter to MTS in Support of FREE Public Transport for San Diego Youth

Surfrider San Diego County is  proud to be a signatory of a letter to MTS, urging them to prioritize free youth public transit passes in Covid-19 recovery efforts. 

The 2020 Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides nearly $220 million to MTS for operating costs. We urge MTS to allocate this funding equitably, starting with Youth Opportunity Passes (YOP). Not only will YOP alleviate the financial burden of transportation, but they are also essential to address climate change and support the next generation of transit riders; young transit riders become adult transit riders, leading to less traffic, reduced car emissions, and a cleaner, healthier San Diego for all!

Beach Access, Coastal Preservation and Social Justice are inextricably linked in San Diego and other coastal communities. Free public transit for San Diego's youth touches on all three of these issues: 

  • it will increase beach access to youth who lack reliable transportation to the coast.
  • public transportation produces far less emissions than individual car rides. Cars are San Diego County's #1 source of carbon emissions, which contribute to sea level rise, temperature rise, ocean acidification, and a variety of other negative impacts to our ocean, waves and beaches.