Another successful Tijuana River Action Month (TRAM) has come and gone. TRAM is a series of education and stewardship events held during September and October to benefit the Tijuana River Watershed. The goals of Tijuana River Action Month are to mobilize a record number of community volunteers and groups to become stewards of the Tijuana River Watershed; and, to recognize key efforts and investments by public and private agencies, businesses, non-profits and community groups to protect and restore the Tijuana River.
Here are a few statistics from this years TRAM that we are proud of:
- 2215 participants volunteered their time throughout the month to help clean, restore, and revitalize areas throughout the Tijuana River Watershed.
- 8.3 Acres of Habitat were improved
- 76,703 pounds of trash were removed (over 34 lbs per participant!)
- 106 tires were collected
- 190 plants were installed
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year.
While TRAM 2014 is now behind us, we are focusing our efforts on planning to make 2015 a monumental year for the NoBS campaign. Join us at our next committee meeting on Tuesday, December 2 at 6:30 pm at 9883 Pacific Heights Blvd, Suite D. We will be discussing our program plans and are interested in your input.