Water Harvesting Tour and Short Film Screening
Saturday, May 8th 9:00AM-10:30AM and 2:00PM-3:30PM
Come see water harvesting in action! Guided by Water Harvesting Professional and Permaculturist, Brook Sarson, you'll see how a 1320 gallon rainwater tank combined with laundry greywater and bath greywater work together to grow a garden of edibles using only 1/4 of the water that most San Diegans use each day.
We will start with a 20 minute short film, produced by the Surfrider Foundation, called The Cycle of Insanity: The Real Story of Water. It's excellent and very kid friendly. Space is limited, so RSVP soon.
After the film, about 9:30, and 2:30, we will take a 45-60 minute tour where you will learn about simple greywater systems, do-it-yourself options, rainwater-harvesting systems and resources. You can schedule an appointment with Brook to assess greywater opportunities at your site. Suggested donation of $5/person will go toward supporting water activism in San Diego. Please RSVP to Brook at brook@h2o-me.com or call 619.964.4838 and I will give you the address.